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 AllStar in the UK

Repeaters and HotSpots welcome.
Everyone is welcome to use the AllStar Bridges.


AllStar NodeAllStar NameBridge to Talk Group
* 29177FreeDMR UK TG2342723427 FreeDMR UK AllStar 29177
27399Scotland ALLStar Network23551 Scotland Alba Allstar Multimode


For a full list of ALLStar Talk Groups. Use the Search ( AllStar ) in the Worldwide Bridge Talk Group List.

If you would like your UK AllStar node bridged to FreeDMR UK.
Please make a request via this Telegram Group.




The UK Server is glad to offer Dial-a-Node via AllStar Node 29177.

* Below is how to move the AllStar Node 29177 to a different node.


The way to use the Dial-a-Node Is to program the radio with TG 9 on Time Slot 2.

*Add  9  in contact / talk group as GROUP CALL.

Make a Channel up for Talk Group 9 and then add to a Zone you wish to use it in.
This is the only Talk group you will need for a QSO on Dial-a-Node.

Link to a Talk Group/Node via Manual Dial “Private Call” from your radio –

Menu - Contact - Manual Dial - enter Talk Group  number 23427 - PTT for up to 3 sec.
Menu – Talk Group - Manual Dial - enter Talk Group number 23427 - PTT for up to 3 sec.

=  Manual Dial 23427 Private Call, PTT for up to 3 sec.


Manual Dial as Private call 23427 and PTT for up to 3 sec, you will now be on TG 23427 and the AllStar Node 29177.
*Then via Talk Group 9 you can QSO on that Talk Group/Node.
You can link to any Node as described above.

To move Node –

Manual Dial as Private call   8   and PTT for up to 3 sec to put the system in dial-a-node mode for 30 seconds. You’ll get a voice prompt back on 9 telling you it’s done.

Now Manual Dial as Private call the Node number and PTT for up to 3 sec.

The Node will now move.

Via TG 9 you can now talk.

AllStar Node 29177 dashboard.

PVT call commands.

5000 for Status and Node info.
4000 to Unlink Node.

Examples from TG9

Manual dial 8 and PTT
Manual dial 4000 PTT (Now you’re unlinked)

Manual dial 8 and PTT
Manual dial “Node Number” and PTT (Now you’re on that node)


Dial-a-Node only works on the FreeDMR UK Server for Node 29177.
Freedom to access any Node you would like to use via Node 29177.

You can access all Nodes listed above via the FreeDMR Talk Group number as normal.

Also, have a look at Echolink & Dial-a-Node.

If you have any questions or need help. You can ask in the Telegram group FreeDMR Users Group.



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